Better Together with MI5 pedos, blackmailers and Tory Chief Whips?

Better Together supports MI5 pedophiles and blackmailers at Kincora Boys Home

Better Together supports MI5 pedophiles and blackmailers at Kincora Boys Home

Ed Miliband, David Cameron and Nick Clegg keep the Scottish government in the dark about the powers they are handing to MI5 to carry out surveillance against the lawyers for victims of MI5 pedophiles at Kincora Boys Home.

Ed Miliband, David Cameron and Nick Clegg join hands to give emergency powers to the MI5 pedophiles and blackmailers who will use these powers to defy a court judgement, to spy on their own potential whistle-blowers determined to expose a four decades-long coverup of MI5 criminality.

Ed Miliband, David Cameron and Nick Clegg need to help these pedophiles and blackmailers in MI5. They need to help these criminals abuse the powers of a police state. They need this to ensure the sources of investigative journalists dry up. They need this to stop campaigning MPs like Tom Watson, who they know will find his sources intimidated, framed by undercover cops like Bob Lambert, prosecuted due to agent provocateurs whose perjury is sanctioned by Home secretaries such as these guys and gals:

  1. Jack Straw
  2. David Blunkett
  3. John Reid
  4. Charles Clarke
  5. Alan Johnson
  6. Jacqui Smith

Ed Miliband’s MPs refuse to investigate any allegation that those Labour Home Secretaries. My constituency MP – Douglas Alexander  – has refused to see me about these Home Secretaries who appear to have sanctioned perjury in order to send socialists to jail, and other crimes even more serious.

JACK STRAW 2 david blunkett 2 JOHN REID 2 charles clarke with guns alan johnson two fingers JACQUI SMITH


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