Scotland on its way to a civil rights movement, international cause celebre


Please sign this petition if you are a democrat:

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg all signed up to a solemn vow that tied all three parties to a commitment. BBC, SKY, Channel4 News smeared those who predicted what would happen. The vow was a contract. If it is broken, the referendum result has not only been declared null and void by the lies of all three Better Together parties; the BBC, SKY and Channel Four News will be held in contempt by the people of Scotland for selling this to voters. Scotland will not tolerate this. Scotland will enter a new phase of the struggle: a mass civil rights movement. The ball is now in the court of the British Establishment who are now celebrating how they tricked Scotland and can keep us as an abused wife, a slave, in a loveless marriage for another generation. Not gonna happen. We shall overcome. Sooner than you think.


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